Hello World
Site Ambitions
I previously had websites solely dedicated to specific projects but always left these sites to rot as soon as I deemed the project to be complete. This left me with a number of sites accumulating to not much at all. Since I had based the entire environment of these sites around a specific topic it didn’t seem worth the hassle to attempt to bring all projects into each of them. As such, the hope for this site is to not only detail my projects, but also provide general blog updates (tech related or not) as well as keep updated notes for things I learn. Since these notes are just markdown files, I can easily use them as a “scratchpad” whenever I deem necessary. This is great for those odd ball commands that are utilised a couple of times a year and then usually forgotten about, resulting in wasted time trying to search for the correct command on various forums. Essentially, my aim is to provide a platform I can look back on and document the journey I have taken.
Areas of Interest
Typically most of my interest revolves around open source, homelabs, networking, virtualisation, security and programming. As such, these are the topics that you are most likely to see discussed on this site. I’m a big proponent of open source and free software and make an attempt to utilise such tools in my projects.
Powered by Hugo & Netlify
Having dealt mostly with Blogger and Wordpress, I was eager to leave and try something new due to numerous issues with Wordpress blogs and the lack of control over Blogger instances. After doing some research I decided that one of the hip new cool static site generators was perfect for my use case. One of the most glaring problems with a CMS like Wordpress is that constant maintenance gets annoying, “are my plugins up-to-date?” is a common concern when you are constantly made aware of Wordpress plugin vulnerabilities. By utilising Hugo I’ve been able to achieve a clean and simple deployment that does not suffer from some of the performance issues prior sites have had. Initially I was intent on either serving the website using my homelab or via a VPS so that I have full control. However, after some reading I decided to give Netlify a go due to ease of use and free hosting plan. I don’t regret my decision at all, the set up was incredibly simple and an overall enjoyable experience compared to other platforms. With this new site I only need to concern myself with updating Hugo periodically and of course, producing content. I intend on doing a write up of the procedure as I came across articles and videos with slightly inaccurate information.